Create Your First Godot 4 Game

Lesson 11: Exporting your game and wrapping up

Video Notes

This is it! We’ll learn how to export your game on Windows and give you a few ideas regarding what to try next.

See the Godot documentation for using rcedit to change your application’s icon and other information.

With the conclusion of this course, you’ve now completed your first Godot 4 game. But don’t stop here! Try to extend the game you’ve built by adding new characters or game mechanics. This will be a great way to continue improving your game development skills.

Once you’re done, go ahead and post your finished game on Quiver. We’d love to see what you’ve made!

  • fusion2k
    Nov. 5, 2022 at 1:45 a.m.

    Great tutorial series to ease me into Godot. Have had some Unity experience but was always overwhelmed by the nomenclature of Godot, its UI, and the difference in GDScript. After making my way through these tutorials I feel I have the confidence to start digging in and making a game for my kids!

    • amit
      Nov. 6, 2022 at 11:55 p.m.

      Awesome – so great to hear and exactly why we’re doing this! We have a lot more great stuff in development and we can’t wait to launch it.

  • Dani_Swordfish
    June 12, 2023 at 7:07 p.m.

    Just finished the tutorial and I learnt a lot from it. Hoping to join a game jam soon and this should help a lot. Thanks!

    • amit
      June 12, 2023 at 7:15 p.m.

      Great, glad to hear it was helpful! We should be kicking off a game jam sometime next month. We also have some advanced courses that will be launched in just a few weeks.

  • fuji
    Sept. 21, 2023 at 9:10 p.m.

    Thank you, this has been a ride!

    • amit
      Sept. 22, 2023 at 1:06 p.m.

      You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it!

  • fnanfne
    Oct. 14, 2023 at 6:43 p.m.

    Hey all

    I’m getting an error when clicking the Start Game button on the exported project.

    “ERROR: Cannot open file ‘res://scenes/main.tscn’. at: (scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1638) ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://scenes/main.tscn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once. at: (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:273)”

    Does anyone have any ideas? I tried reimporting, opening all the scenes manually, copying the entire project to another HDD, and I’ve run out of ideas. Please help!

    • fnanfne
      Oct. 14, 2023 at 7:24 p.m.

      Problem resolved.

      The issue was case.

      The error said “res://scenes/main.tscn’” but the directory actually looks like this “res://Scenes/main.tscn’” So I changed the capital S into a lowercase s. This now made the project run HOWEVER, another gazillion errors ensued for ALL the other stuff (assets etc) in the project, so I had to manually go through ALL the scripts in the project to change everything into lowercase. Now it all works.

      I’m really not impressed by this, and stumped why this was an issue in the first place. Terrible design from godot imho.

      • amit
        Oct. 16, 2023 at 1:44 p.m.

        Not sure how this happened, but case-sensitivity can matter when dealing with file paths, so it’s important to keep everything consistent. We follow the Godot conventions and lowercase our directory names and scene names. But glad you got it working!

  • ManoShu
    Oct. 22, 2023 at 11:14 p.m.

    By this series I was able to understand the basics of Godot 4, however, as in basically each lesson there is one note or bug that needed to be addressed in the description, I feel that the videos could be revised and rerecorded.

    • amit
      Oct. 23, 2023 at 2:41 p.m.

      Thanks for checking out the tutorial! We started production on this tutorial before Godot 4 was released, so there were a few updates we had to address through video overlays or notes in the description. We’ll certainly revamp this tutorial in the future, especially as Godot 4 starts to mature.

  • EnfantVoodoo
    Nov. 4, 2023 at 10:25 a.m.

    Hello and thanks a lot for the tutorial, I’m new to Godot and game engines but with experience in 2D games from C++ (SDL, SFML) or C# (Monogame) - I’m myself a software dev. I’ve learn a lot from this tutorial, it is also interesting to see other ways as in the first 2D “official” tutorial from Godot - for example, you use variables for the timer and you connect the signal in the code, in “Dodge the Creeps”, they used timer nodes and connect the signal with the UI. Several important features are covered, I have an idea of some meaningful project structure. And at the end of this tutorial, we have a complete cute little game ^^

    Note: I’m using the Godot 4.1.3 (stable), the Steam version (I didn’t have to download anything for the export)

    • amit
      Nov. 6, 2023 at 4:33 p.m.

      Congrats on completing Raptor Run! Tom has a preference for setting up signals programmatically, but you can totally do it with Inspector as well. We showcase both ways in other courses.

  • majrooo
    Jan. 16, 2024 at 5:29 p.m.

    Great tutorial, thank you.

  • cswalker
    May 21, 2024 at 5:39 p.m.

    This intro tutorial is excellent. Seriously top notch, if not just the best, from what is available to choose from. If that is the quality for the rest of them, i’d very much be interested in the upgrade.

    However, there’s a lot missing that needs to be rounded out. The discord links are broken and there’s no verification that a contact email was successfully sent. All features but Analytics are tied directly to the tutorials with nothing else added. The analytics work, but what user coming for tutorials are also coming for analytics. There hasn’t been a blog post since 09/2023. All of these make me hesitant this project is even still alive. Just sell the tutorials as a pack instead of a subscription.

    • amit
      May 22, 2024 at 3:35 p.m.

      Hi there, thanks for your feedback on the tutorial. Glad you enjoyed it!

      You’re correct that tying the tutorials to the analytics doesn’t make much sense. We’re in the process of splitting out all of our services you can pick and choose what you want to use rather than having to opt-in to everything, sort of like an AWS-style model.

      And good point on the blog – we’ve been so busy on a couple of projects, that we’ve neglected the blog. That should be rectified soon!

  • JTW789
    June 26, 2024 at 5:36 p.m.

    Is it okay if I use the music from this game for a different game I’m making? I can give credit to

    • amit
      June 26, 2024 at 7:22 p.m.

      Yes, I believe it a public domain song and we didn’t create it, so you don’t even have to credit us. Thanks for asking!

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