March 15-April 15, 2023
Tiny Wizard Game Jam
Congratulations to FuzzyWuzzy for winning the game jam and RubyMidnight for taking second place! You can check out the winning submissions on YouTube. A big thanks for everyone that made an attempt – hope you had as much fun as we did!
After years of development, Godot 4 is out! Jam-packed with new features, we believe the future is bright for indie game developers using Godot. To celebrate the launch, we’re kicking off Quiver’s second-ever game jam. In this game jam, you’ll use Quiver’s Tiny Wizard open source game template for Godot 4. This template lets you create a room-based shooter in the style of Binding of Isaac.
Your mission is to create one or more unique rooms and add it to the sample level included with the template. The room should include new enemies, bosses, weapons, or other goodies that showcase your gamedev prowess.
Getting started
- First, follow the installation instructions on the Tiny Wizard Github page to download the template and start using it.
- (Recommended) To get started, follow our short video tutorial on using the Tiny Wizard template.
- (Recommended) Create a project page for your submission to document your progress on the game jam.
You can use the assets included with Tiny Wizard. Feel free to use any external assets as well, but please make sure you have rights to use those assets.
Submitting your game
You can submit your entry anytime the game jam is active. You will submit a zip file of your Godot project for us to run.
How the winners are picked
We will judge submissions based on technical excellence, art style, innovation, and the fun factor. Walking into your rooms should surprise us!
Also, please provide a detailed description of what makes your game interesting when you make your submission (there’s a form when you submit where you can enter this information).
Finally, the game development process can be as interesting as the final result. Post your project on our projects page and add updates to your projects as you build it so that we can follow along.
Technical Requirements
Please use Godot 4.0 or later.
$500 USD for the first place finisher. $250 for the runner-up. In addition, we’ll donate $10 to Godot for every valid submission (up to maximum of $1,000). We’re counting each submission that makes a meaningful change to the original code.
Check the FAQ. If you still have questions, leave a comment here or contact us directly.
What's a game jam?
A game jam is a competition where you create the best video game you can in the allotted time. Our game jams are a little different than others since we give you a code template and art assets to work with, so you don't have to start from scratch.
Why should I participate?
Other than the prizes, game jams help you improve your skills as a game developer. The deadline helps keep you focused and gets you to actually finish something.
How are the winners chosen?
Each game jam might have different criteria, but we're looking for a mix of creativity, technical chops, artistic vision, and stellar design. But most importantly, we're looking for games that create joy. If you can elicit a smile while we play your game, you're definitely on the right track.
How are winners paid?
We'll pay you with a mix of our homegrown cryptocoins that we scrounged from the company couch and primate-themed NFTs. Ha, just kidding! We respect you too much to do that to you.
We'll just pay you in ordinary, boring money. Depending on the amount of the prize, we may either use Paypal or through Deel (a global payment system, which will require you to enter your personal information). We do this to make sure we're compliant with your local tax laws and so we're not whisked away by guys wearing dark sunglasses and suits.
Do I still have retain the rights to my submitted projects?
All of the code, art, music, and other assets you developed continue to belong to you. Any Quiver code and assets you use will still be governed by their respective licenses. You do, however, gives us the right to publish screenshots and videos from your submission. We just want to show off your work!
Do I have to use Quiver art assets or can I use my own?
You can use anything you'd like! But please make sure you have rights to the assets used in your submission.
Can I work as part of a team?
Yes, you can work as a team, but please only make one submission per team. Also, if your submission wins, the prize money will be sent to the submitter and it will be up to the submitter to distribute the prize. We're not responsible for what happens after the prize money has been sent to the submitter.
Anything else I should know?
You can find the full terms and conditions for participating in our game jams here.