Make a 2D Action Adventure Game with Godot 4
Lesson 30: Handling player death
Make a 2D Action Adventure Game with Godot 4
- Lesson 1: Introduction and project setup 16:30
- Lesson 2: Moving our player 31:33
- Lesson 3: Creating a tilemap 23:55
- Lesson 4: Tilemap and player collisions 19:16
- Lesson 5: Adding a camera and jumping 28:45
- Lesson 6: Adding player animations 32:09
- Lesson 7: Run & jump sound effects 24:04
- Lesson 8: Creating a state machine 41:32
- Lesson 9: Adding player states 41:57
- Lesson 10: Player health & tween hit flash 30:30
- Lesson 11: Our first enemy - the scorpion 49:55
- Lesson 12: Player attack state and animation 50:20
- Lesson 13: Hooking up the hurtbox with signals 30:07
- Lesson 14: Making our scorpion die 37:55
- Lesson 15: Player invulnerability 36:12
- Lesson 16: Player knockback code 34:06
- Lesson 17: Player knockback animation & state 25:08
- Lesson 18: Coyote time, acceleration, and variable jump height 29:06
- Lesson 19: Lookahead camera 26:48
- Lesson 20: Spawn state 26:10
- Lesson 21: Basic UI (hearts) 24:24
- Lesson 22: Connecting the HUD to the player 34:02
- Lesson 23: Creating a base collectable scene 34:25
- Lesson 24: Making a heart collectable 29:03
- Lesson 25: Coin collectable and coin display 37:33
- Lesson 26: Spawning collectables on enemy death 30:36
- Lesson 27: Parallax background and sand vignette 19:05
- Lesson 28: Expanding our tilemaps & making a new level 31:51
- Lesson 29: Portals and changing levels 24:40
- Lesson 30: Handling player death
- Lesson 31: Respawning the player after falling off a ledge 19:06
This lesson is so good, it requires upgrading to Quiver+.