We turned our open source 2D tower defense template into a course
10+ hours of tutorials take your from the basics to creating your own tower defense game.

Posted by amit on Aug. 22, 2023 | Comments 0
We’re excited to announce we’re launching our premium 2D tower defense course, Outpost Assault, for Godot 4. In this 10-hour course, we’ll be building a tower defense game from scratch, covering many features of Godot, like navigation, tilemaps, state machines, custom UI themes, and game architecture. Although we’ll be building a tower defense game, the same principles should apply to many other types of top-down games, like RTSs, top-down shooters, and RPGs.
This course is included as part of the Quiver+ subscription, which includes access to all of our premium content. If you’re not looking for a premium course right now, you can still use the source code from the course as a learning resource since it’s open source and the assets are liberally licensed.
So here’s the backstory for this course. We built this initially as an open source tower defense game template for indie devs that were looking for a starting point for their tower defense games. We noticed that there weren’t many tower defense tutorials for Godot, so we thought, we have this great codebase, why not turn this template into a course so people can see how it’s built? We hope the community can build off of this to create some amazing games, whether or not they take the course.
Just a note, this will be our second premium long-form course. We have one more 3D course in the pipeline, and then we’ll be switching to more shorter how-to videos and lessons to help you solve problems quickly. We’re also starting to explore the next phase in our journey - tools and publishing resources for indie devs using Godot.
So if this sounds interesting, head on over to the Outpost Assault page to get started.
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